Lotus rival Tesla with 450kW EV charging points

Due mid-2024, the open-use chargers will offer over 80 miles range in five minutes

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Louts EV Charging Point Louts EV Charging Point Louts EV Charging Point Louts EV Charging Point

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Lotus has made a significant leap forward in the electric vehicle (EV) charging arena, introducing a cutting-edge 450kW electric car charger that rivals Tesla's charging capabilities. This new charger is a game-changer, capable of adding over 80 miles of range in a mere five minutes, positioning it as one of the quickest EV chargers currently available.

Slated for a European debut in early 2024, the charger is targeted primarily at charge point operators, fleet providers, and dealerships. In a remarkable demonstration of its capabilities, the charger was tested on the new Lotus Eletre R SUV, where it impressively added up to 88.5 miles of range in five minutes. This performance slightly outpaces Tesla’s Superchargers, which typically add 75 miles of range in the same timeframe.

Lotus EV 450kW charging point

Lotus's system also excels in rapid charging efficiency, capable of boosting a battery's charge from 10% to 80% in just 20 minutes. Existing Lotus customers with chargers already installed will be offered this new system as an upgrade.

The deployment strategy for these chargers will likely focus on key areas, including motorway service stations, with plans to install multiple units at each selected location. The system is designed to accommodate up to four vehicles simultaneously, although the typical configuration will cater to two fast-charging outputs. While the charger is compatible with any electric vehicle, it is especially efficient for models equipped with 800V charging systems.

Each charging system encompasses a top-of-the-line 450kW DC charger, inclusive of a power cabinet and the charging unit. In comparison, the UK’s current most powerful charger, operated by Gridserve, has a maximum output of 360kW and takes about 15 minutes to provide 100 miles of range.

Lotus EV 450kW charging point

A key feature of Lotus's technology is the use of coolant in the charging connector, which allows for higher temperatures and, consequently, faster charging speeds. This innovation is seen as a future-proofing strategy by Lotus.

Alan Wang, Vice-President of Lotus Technology, highlighted the growing demand for dependable EV charging infrastructure as governments intensify their push towards electrification and net-zero goals. Lotus's development of this high-speed charging solution aims to address this need, providing an efficient and reliable charging experience.

This initiative by Lotus is partly in response to public demand for more reliable EV charging infrastructure, as research indicates that concerns about charging reliability currently deter 80% of UK potential EV buyers.

Lotus EV 450kW charging point

Already operational in China, the Lotus charging infrastructure is on track for installation in the UK and broader Europe in the second quarter of 2024, marking a significant advancement in the EV charging landscape.

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